Paper Inventory Procedures

Initial paper order
Paper is ordered by the Purchasing department through an approved District RFP or Purchasing Cooperative.  Paper is ordered as soon as the warehouse paper inventory count goes to 250 cases.
  1. Paper is entered as a requisition into the Warehouse module in Skyward using an object code 1310
  2. Once the requisition is approved, the paper is ordered
  3. Once the paper is received we would need to receive the order on Skyward in order for the paper count to increase
  4. Once the paper count is increased, the paper will be available for campuses and departments to enter requisitions to request paper
Paper Reconciliation Process
  1. A paper requisition is entered into Skyward by the campus or department and goes through the approval process
  2. Once approved the paper is deducted from the account that is used on the requisition
  3. The paper requested is automatically deducted from the paper total
  4. Purchasing prints out the approved requisition and emails it to the Inventory Clerk and PRIM helper for delivery
  5. Paper is delivered by Purchasing Staff
  6. Paper inventory is reconciled on a monthly basis
Final Inventory Count Process
Final inventory count is completed the last week of June. Final paper deliveries must be requested and delivered before the last week of June.
  1. Paper count is requested from Inventory Clerk
  2. Inventory Clerk counts the remaining cases at the warehouse and reports back
  3. Purchasing Clerk compares the manual count to the balance on the Skyward system
  4. If the amounts match, we are in balance
  5. If the amounts do not match, we reconcile by:
    • Reviewing any deliveries that may not have been delivered by the Inventory Clerk or PRIM Helper
    • Review any requisitions that have been approved but the campus/department has not notified Purchasing Clerk to schedule delivery
    • Review any duplicate orders by a single campus/department
  6. Once discrepancies are resolved, we are in balance