Identifying and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse, Neglect, and Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Mandatory Reporting Reminders Resources from TEA
Human trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, or procurement of a person for labor or services for involuntary servitude. While human trafficking is a global problem, it is also a Texas problem. School-aged children are vulnerable to the manipulation and exploitation tactics of traffickers. Unfortunately, law enforcement has confirmed cases of trafficking occurring on school grounds, at school events, and even carried out by classmates.
Traffickers are brutal, and victims are often subjected to serious, life-altering manipulation and control through the use of threats of violence and abuse. Many children do continue to attend school while being trafficked.
See these links for resources to learn more about human trafficking:
If you have any questions regarding mandatory reporting and human trafficking prevention and awareness requirements, please contact the Division of Highly Mobile and At-Risk Student Programs, [email protected] 512-463-9414